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We currently accept VISA,MC,Paypal,Payza,Webmoney,Bitcoin,Bankwire,(CCavenue For Indian users) for payment.
2Setup Time
For all Dedicated servers the setup time 1/7 Days (Usually within 48 Hours)
3Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area
This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status. If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed by clicking on the IF RESOLVED, CLICK HERE TO CLOSE THE TICKET button. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area..
4How to Change Your Client Area Password
This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.
5How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area
This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of XtremeDedi. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into XtremeDedi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. XtremeDedi have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button. This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in XtremeDedi
6How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area
This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in Xtremededi. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services Xtremededi charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into Xtremededi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in Xtremededi.
7How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area
Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into Xtremededi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of Xtremededi.
8How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area
This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that Xtremededi can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into Xtremededi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.
9Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area
This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. XtremeDedi will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into Xtremededi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages XtremeDedi has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through XtremeDedi. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the Xtremededi system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in Xtremededi.
10Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area
This will teach how to review your Hosting Packages through your Client Area. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into Xtremededi. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the main Client Area Menu you will find "My Products and Services". Clicking that link will take you to a page that will allow you to review all your Hosting plans and the current status of those plans. You can get more detail on a hosting plan or account by clicking on the "View Details" link to the right of each account listing.
11How do I bind my additional IPs?
Here is the simplest way of binding your additional IPs: 1) Find out which interface is your public [root@LSN-D#### ~]# route | grep -v "10." | grep -m 1 "255.255" | awk '{ print $8 }' eth1 This shows that my public interface (does not have a "10." address) is eth1. 2) Create the route file Before running the command below, change "eth1" to your public interface from step 1 and set your START and END IP addresses in the range. Note:Your IPADDR_START should be your second usable IP as your primary is already bound. The IPADDR_END value is your last usable IP. If you are unsure what these values are please check your welcome e-mail or open a support ticket. echo "IPADDR_START= IPADDR_END= CLONENUM_START=0" >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1-range0 3) Restart your network interface service network restart
12How do I run a ping?
PING stands for Packet INternet Groper. This is a simple diagnostic tool implemented in both Windows and Linux that enables you the ability to test for basic communication between two network nodes within a LAN or across the WAN/Internet. The concept is simple - a special packet is sent from a source machine to a destination machine at which the destination machine responds back. The time it takes for this process to complete helps determine two things: Does the destination machine respond? How long does it take the destination machine to respond back? To run this tool is very simple. For windows you simply open a command prompt: Go to Start->run->type CMD->press enter Within the command prompt you will type: ping destination-IP -n 10 For example: ping -n 10
13How do I run a traceroute?
Both Windows and Linux have the ability of diagnosing the health of a connection between a source and destination machine by also testing the communication status of the devices that make the connection possible. Windows uses the command tracert for this utility. Linux uses the command traceroute for this utility. The route is determined by examining the ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent back by intermediate routers. Note that some routers silently drop packets with expired TTLs and are invisible to TRACERT / Traceroute utilities. How to run a traceroute Windows Open a command prompt by going to Start->run->type command->press enter. Type the command: tracert For example: C:\>tracert Linux For linux the command would be: traceroute For example: traceroute
14Large file transfer gives error: Corrupted MAC on input
Source: Symptom When you transfer a large file by HTTP it will disconnect and give you this error: Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input. This can also happen on SSH, FTP or other protocols as this is a bug with the kernel driver for the network. Solution Turn off "offload check summing" with the following command: ethtool -K eth0 rx off tx off Depending on the Ethernet driver in use this may not work as some drivers do not support turning off this feature.
15Recieving an "ip_conntrack: table full" error.
On OpenVZ/HyperVM machines sometimes the ip_conntrack table will become full and drop packets. You can tell if it is doing this by looking in your /var/log/messages file. To find out the current limit run: sysctl net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max Then to increase it edit /etc/sysctl.conf and change the line net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max = to a higher number. Adding 5000 or 10000 to the current max should be fine. You do not need to go crazy. One you have saved the file, to reload the new configuration run: sysctl -p You should be all set and the machine should not be dropping any packets.
16How To Use The IP Deny Manager
This tutorial will teach you how to use the IP Deny Manager to block access to your web site from a specific IP address or IP address range. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the Security section. Click the IP Deny Manager icon. This takes you to the IP Deny Manager screen. In the section called Add an IP to Deny: Enter the IP address you wish to block in the first box. Click the Add button, and it will take you to the verification page. You have successfully blocked anyone from that IP from accessing your web site. Click the Go Back link. Next on the page you will see a list of Current IP Addresses being blocked. At the end of each IP is a button to click if you wish to remove them from the blocked list. After clicking remove, click Yes to confirm, and the IP will no longer be blocked from your web site. Click on the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to block and unblock on IP address from visiting your web site. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.
17How to Password Protect a Directory
This tutorial will teach how to password protect a directory. Password protecting a directory will allow you to require a username and password to access a folder or folders from the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Security. Click on the icon named Password Protect Directories. This will open a screen with your folders listed. Open your folders until you find the directory that you wish to protect. Select the directory by clicking on its name. This will open a new screen that will allow you to set permissions for your directory. Make sure the correct directory is listed at the top of the page. Under Security Settings, check the box to password protect this directory. On the next line, enter a name for this protected directory in the box. This name should be something to help you identify the purpose of the directory, such as Members Ideas, or Friends Photos. Click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification screen, showing that the directory is protected, and allows access only to authorized users. It now requires a password to enter it by way of a browser. So we now need to create at least one user, and assign them a password to access the directory. Click the GO BACK link. Under Create User, enter a User name. Enter a password, and re-enter the password. Then click the Add/Modify authorized user button. This takes you to the verification screen to confirm that the directory now has one user who has access to it. Repeat this process for each additional user you want to grant access to. Click the GO BACK link, and you can see the authorized user listed in the box. You can return to this screen at any time to modify existing users passwords, add more users, or delete users. When listed, your directory will now have a lock icon next to it, to indicate that it is password protected. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup password protection for specific directories within your account. Don't forget to create users for the protected directories. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.
18Using Hotlink Protection
Hotlink Protection prevents other web sites from directly linking to certain files (typically images) that are on your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The purpose of Hotlink Protection is so that people can't link directly to images within your web site. You want to prevent this especially if you have copyrighted images, or simply to save on your bandwidth usage. By directly linking to your site, they are stealing your bandwidth. On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Security, and click on the icon named Hotlink Protection. On the Hotlink Protection screen, make sure all your own sites are listed in the "URLs to allow access" box, so you are able to hotlink with your own images. In the next box, list all the extensions, or file types you want protected. For example, you might list .jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png,.bmp, and so forth, all separated by commas. In the next box enter a URL you want to redirect to, for anyone who tries to hotlink to your files and/or images. This could be something like your homepage, or an error page. Next, if you want to enable someone to manually enter the URL of a protected file, check the allow direct requests box. Then click the Submit button. This will take you to the confirmation screen, which will show you which web sites you have allowed to Hotlink, and the protected extensions. To disable Hotlink Protection, simply click the Disable button. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on Hotlink Protection. You now know how to add and disable the protection, and you can return here to add or remove file types to the protected list at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.
19How do I change the port that Terminal Services runs on?
1. Select Start, Run and enter 'regedt32'. Locate the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp 2. Find the "PortNumber" subkey. The default value will be 00000D3D, or 3389 in decimal. Modify the port number and save the new value. When you connect to your server through Remote Desktop, you will enter "", where 2202 is the port number you choose. Note: We recommend rebooting to apply this change. Otherwise, you will need to recreate the RDP listener via Terminal Services configuration
20How do I configure the Windows Firewall?
Microsoft has developed a great article centered around configuration of the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and IPsec Policies. This step-by-step guide illustrates how to deploy Active Directory® Group Policy objects (GPOs) to configure Windows Firewall with Advanced Security in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008. Although you can configure a single server locally by using Group Policy Management tools directly on the server, that method is not consistent or efficient when you have many computers to configure. When you have multiple computers to manage, create and edit GPOs, and then apply those GPOs to the computers in your organization. Common scenarios, including firewall rule deployment, server and domain isolation, and IPsec tunnel mode configuration are discussed.
21How do I enable ICMP echos in Server 2008
To enable ICMP replies in Windows Server 2008 you must allow ICMP packets through the windows Firewall Press Start Goto -> Administrative tools Click on 'Windows Firewall with Advanced Security' Click on 'Inbound Rules' Scroll down to find: 'File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)' Right-click on this and choose 'Enable Rule' Congrats, you can now ping the 2008 server.
22Terminal Server Has Exceeded Max Connections
This problem happens because Windows only allows two remote terminal services connections to be logged in as an Administrator, and you've either got two people already on that server as an Administrator, or more likely, you've got a disconnected session that is still logged in (simply closing the RDP session does not log you out, you need to log out from the Start Menu on the remote server). To force yourself to login as an admin (provided you have admin credentials to log on with) execute the following from your local computer: For users with XP SP3, Vista, or terminal services client =>6.1: Start > Run > mstsc /v: /f /admin Otherwise: Start > Run > mstsc /v: /f /console ...Replace the with your IP address, type in your username/password at the prompt and you are good to go. For more information on the mstsc command click here. Free bonus: Need to Ctl + Alt + Del in a RDP window? Don't work? Try Ctl + Alt + End instead.